Publications & Articles
A compilation of Terry's published works on scuba tourism, shipwrecks and ship diving.
"WRECK HUNTER 2"-The Adventure Continues, a 186-page book about shipwrecks, published by Glen Margaret Publishing in Nova Scotia in October 2015 -SECOND PRINTING in February 2016.
"WRECK HUNTER"- The Quest For Lost Shipwrecks a 200-page book about shipwrecks, published by Pottersfield Press Ltd. in Nova Scotia in December 2004 - SECOND PRINTING in July 2008.
"Search for the AUGUSTE Treasure" a feature article was published in the 2004 summer issue of the Canadian Dive Magazine - The Scuba Press.
"Dive Nova Scotia" a 5-page feature article published in the January 2003 issue of The PADI Undersea Journal (circulation of 125,000 copies world wide)
"St. Paul Island - Expedition to the Graveyard of the Gulf" a feature article was published in the May 2001 issue of Canadian DIVER Magazine.
"Scuba Diving - The Sport of the 90's " Published in the Biweekly Military Trident newspaper in May 1999.
"Opportunities for Coastal Communities" a feature article was published in the July issue of ATLANTIC FISHERMAN Magazine in July 1998.
"Starting a Rescue / Recovery Dive Team" a feature article was published in the June issue of FIRST RESPONDER Magazine in June 1998.
"Opportunities for Coastal Communities" a feature article was published in the BLUENOSE TRIBUNE, Vol. # 2, issue # 8, May 1998.
"St. Paul Island - Expedition to the Graveyard of the Gulf" a feature article was published in the February 1997 issue of DIVER Magazine.
"Diving in Nova Scotia - The Shipwreck Deliverance " a feature article published in the December 1996 issue of the NORTHEAST DIVING JOURNAL Magazine.
"St. Paul Island - Expedition to the Graveyard of the Gulf" Published in the October 1995 DIVE ONTARIO, the OUC Newsletter, fall 1996 edition.
"St. Paul Island - Expedition to the Graveyard of the Gulf" Published in the March 1995 issue of the SCUBA NEWS, the Nova Scotia Scuba Association Newsletter.
"St. Paul Island - Expedition to the Graveyard of the Gulf" Published in the December 1994 issue of Contact, The A.C.U.C. International Newsletter, winter edition.
"Diving the Wreck of the Havana and the Gertrude De Costa" Published in the March 1994 issue of the Canadian Archaeological Association Newsletter, Vol.14 no.1.
"Scuba Diving - The Sport of the 90's " Published in the July 1992 Metro Fitness and Recreation Guide, Vol.1 no.1.
"Scatarie Island, Nova Scotia" Published in the Divers Free Press, Second Anniversary Edition, Vol.2 no.1. Spring of 1992.
"U.S. Divers - A History of Diving in America" Published in the Divers Free Press, Second Anniversary Edition, Vol.2 no.1, Spring 1992.